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What Should I Expect When I Arrive?

When you visit, expect to meet a couple of greeters at the big red doors who are there to welcome and assist you. Like many New England churches, our sanctuary is upstairs, so when you arrive come up the winding staircase into the sanctuary lobby where you will meet volunteers serving coffee, tea, and water as well as a Christ Kids Welcome Station should you be bringing children with you to worship. When you are ready to do so, come into the sanctuary and find a seat. Restrooms are located to the right of the sanctuary through the door beside the stage. 

Is There Parking?

We have a small parking lot beside our church building that is available on Sundays, and street parking is free throughout Charlestown on Sundays as well. If these are both filled, the parking lot at Whole Foods at 27 Austin Street is available on Sundays during worship as well.

What Are The Closest T Stops?

The Community College Orange Line T-stop is a convenient walk of less than 10 minutes from the church.

What About My Kids?

We offer Christ Kids on Sundays for children age 0 to 5th grade. Click HERE to learn more about our kids ministry and to pre-register your kids for their first visit!


Kids are also welcome to sit with your family in service if that is your preference. We have quiet activities available in the back of the sanctuary; ask the check-in desk if you need assistance.

How Long Is A Service / What Should I Expect?

A worship service at Christ Church typically lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. During that time, our worship team leads the church in a mixture of hymns, gospel songs, and modern worship songs; we pray together; we hear a message from the Bible with applications for today; and we have a time of reflection and response. 

What Should I Wear?

You are welcome to wear whatever clothing you would like. While we feel no pressure to dress up to come to worship, you are more than welcome to if you would like. Most people dress in casual attire.

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